Biennial of Photography: Fixing the shadows

" Vanessa Cowling uses camera-free photographic processes that do little harm to the environment to capture silhouettes of plants. Obtained by direct contact between the plants and the paper support, these images born of shadows are exhibited in an installation on glass walls. "

For her Fixing the Shadows project, Vanessa Cowling has used camera-free photographic processes that do little harm to the environment to capture, without capturing, the silhouettes of plants. Lumen prints, anthotypes and phytograms make up a fresco of sometimes disconcerting colours. Obtained by direct contact between the plants and the paper support, these images born of shadows are here in full light within this installation on glass walls.

Additional information
  • Prices : Free
  • Type of event, exhibition : Exhibition
  • Place/Departure of the event : Town Hall
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

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