Exhibition: animal stories

" Yoshikazu Goulven Le Maître is developing a body of work based on the recovery and reuse of used materials. He sculpts them to create a contemporary bestiary in a punkish, baroque style, somewhere between still life and genre sculpture, intriguing and poetic. "

Yoshikazu Goulven Le Maître was born in 1995 in Fukuoka, Japan. He currently lives and works in Strasbourg. His work revolves around the recovery and re-use of used materials, which he sculpts to give shape to a bestiary that is as intriguing as it is poetic. Through animal sculpture the illusion of life in objects, he expresses the otherness of non-human entities in a new form of expression of the living, and in so doing aims to question the dichotomy that exists between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’. The result is a contemporary bestiary in a style as punk as it is baroque, somewhere between still life and genre sculpture.

Additional information
  • Prices : Free
  • Type of event, exhibition : Exhibition
  • Place/Departure of the event : Media library
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

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