National Architecture Days

" (Re)discover the Monument National, the necropolis and the crypt, during a guided tour, to grasp the architectural features of a symbolic building, one of the four National Monuments of the First World War in France. "

As part of the Journées nationales de l'Architecture, visitors can (re)discover the Monument National, the national necropolis and the crypt in the company of a cultural mediator. During a guided tour, the public will be able to grasp the architectural features of this symbolic building, one of the four National Monuments of the First World War in France, which has just been inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Additional information
  • Prices : 7€ including admission to the Historial
  • Place/Departure of the event : Franco-German Historial at Hartmannswillerkop
  • Car parking : Free parking for cars

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