Chalet détente du Mitzerlé

  • Pool : yes
  • Spas and treatments or balneotherapy : no
  • Parking : yes
  • Bike garage : yes
  • Restaurant on the premises : yes
  • Air conditioning : no
  • Free Wifi : no
  • Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
  • Distance to the nearest station (km) : 3,5km
  • Location : At the edge of the lake or river, Mountain, Quiet street, Panoramic view
  • Altitude : 450m
  • Payment method : Credit card, Cheque, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Transfer
  • Languages spoken : French, German, alsacian, English
  • Convenient service : Sheets included in the rental price, Household linen included in the rental price, Bathroom linen, Beds made on arrival, Packed lunch
  • Interior equipment of the accommodation : Fitted kitchen area, Coffee machine, Fridge, Fireplace, Non-smoking room
  • Equip./services for kids : Highchair
  • Sanitary equipment :
    • Number of restrooms (private) with shower : 1
    • No. of toilets in bathrooms : 1
  • Outdoor accommodation facilities : Personal barbecue grill, Private garden, Private garden furniture, Private patio
  • On-site leisure equipment : Outdoor swimming pool, Sauna, Jacuzzi
  • Equipement et services vélos : Closed bicycle garage, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches)
  • Capacity :
    • number of people : 2
    • number of people with extra bed / at the most : 4
    • Self-catering cottages/furnished/bedrooms (beds) : 2
    • en nombre de lits 2 personnes : 1
    • en nombre de convertibles 2 pers : 1
  • Surface area : 36 m2
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