Théâtre: Le ravissement d'Adèle

" Quand Adèle, fille de Michel Bertolet, disparaît, le village s’embrase. Battues, enquête de la grand-mère, et soupçons transforment la communauté. Entre mystères et tensions, chacun devient suspect, et les secrets refont surface dans une atmosphère troublante. "

Michel Bertolet discovers that his teenage daughter Adèle has not returned home. A wanted poster is posted in village shops, hunting parties are organized in the nearby forest, and a special inspector is dispatched to follow the case. Adèle's grandmother arrives at her son's house, much to her daughter-in-law's despair, and decides to conduct her own investigation. Suspicion among the locals creates havoc, tongues are loosened and everything suddenly becomes suspicious, bizarre and complicated, including the way people talk.

Additional information
  • Prices : Tarif normal : 8 € Tarif réduit : 5 €
  • Type of event, exhibition : Theater
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