Theater : Tableau d'une exécution

Things are starting well for Anna Agalactie, a 16th century Venetian painter. The state has just commissioned her to paint a gigantic picture to celebrate the naval victory at Lepanto. But rather than paint a work to the glory of the armies, the artist chose to show the violence of the massacre. The representatives of the authorities asked her to rectify the picture...

In this play, British playwright Howard Baker examines the independence of the artist from the powers that be, and the relationship between the reality of the subject and the vision of the artist. A text perfectly suited to the Théâtre du Vieux Rempart. The Sélestadian company, a long-standing partner of the Tanzmatten, defends quality theatre with the added aim of providing entertainment. One of the most original voices in contemporary theatre, brought to the stage with exacting standards.

From age 14.

Additional information
  • Amenities services : Toilets
  • Languages spoken : French
  • Prices : 15 € / Reduced price : 13 € / Subscriber rate: 9 € / Youth rate: 7 € / Evening surcharge: 2 €
  • Type of event, exhibition : Theater
  • Place/Departure of the event : Tanzmatten
  • Car parking : Free parking for cars, Free parking for camper vans

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