Playful walk in Betschdorf - Kuhlendorf

" The "Balade Ludique" in Bestchdorf-Kuhlendorf takes you through the streets of the village, winding your way through the old lanes and those of the new district, in search of clues that will help you to solve the enigma of this treasure hunt with your family. (Only available in French) "

Only in French. Discover Betschdorf-Kuhlendorf with your family and have fun! This fun walk will take you through the streets of the old centre of this village steeped in history on a discovery trail punctuated with riddles. Be curious, observant and collect the clues that will enable you to solve the various riddles! The game booklet is available at the tourist office or can be downloaded here. Three versions of the trail are available for children aged 4 to 12... and for the whole family!

  • Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 2h30 min
  • Languages spoken : French
  • Prices : Free access
  • Place/Departure of the event : Musée de la Poterie
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

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