Discovery tour of Morsbronn-les-Bains

  • 1h
  • 1,5km
  • 27m
  • Easy

" Au cœur du village thermal de Morsbronn-les-Bains, découvrez une Station Thermale classée depuis 1929 et labellisée Station Verte depuis 2017 pour encore plus de fraîcheur ! "

Morsbronn. The history of a village. A book by Paul Greissler and Nicolas Froelich.
Inhabited since the Roman Empire, Morsbronn has a rich history. Before becoming a well known spa resort, the village has lived through more than its share of hard times; the Thirty Years War, the Franco Prussian War of 1870, plague, famine but also the good times. Its boundaries are full of unsuspected treasures, old houses, monuments, graves... There are many local traditions. The authors of this well illustrated book takes you on a walk through 2000 years of history

Additional information
  • Type of hiking trail : paved road, dirt path
  • IGN Map : 3814 ET, E2
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