Restaurant Le bistrot du Barbu

Homemade day dishes. Happenings

  • Gourmet restaurant : no
  • Alsatian cuisine : yes
  • Tarte flambée : no
  • Vegetarian : yes
  • Fish : no
  • Gluten-free : yes
Additional information
  • Payment method : Credit card, Cheque, Luncheon vouchers
  • Type of food : Biergarten, Brewpub, Brewing
  • Specialities : Alsatian, Original, Tapas, World cuisine, Vegetarian , Gluten-free
  • Practical restaurant service : Dish of the day, Takes into account food allergies, Hot food round-the-clock, Service after 9 pm, Snacks, Orchestra, Takeaway
  • Languages spoken : French, German, English
  • Number of places to eat :
    • room 1: : 35
    • Total number of covers in the dining room : 35
    • terrace 1: : 40
  • Restaurant facilities : Terrace, Air conditioning, Bar
  • Equip./services for kids : Highchair
  • Equipement et services vélos : Bicycle parking or racks

  • Capacité maximum temporaire : 30 pers
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