Hôtel - Ibis

The Ibis Haguenau Strasbourg Nord hotel is situated 1.2 miles (2 km) from the historic city center of Haguenau and 20 minutes from Strasbourg and the new designer village at Roppenheim. Close to the Kirrwiller Royal Palace Music Hall, Lalique Museum and Alsatian pottery villages. The hotel has 61 air-conditioned rooms via the fiber, three of which are specially adapted for people with reduced mobility. Our restaurant and grill "L'atelier Steakhouse" is open 7 days a week.

  • Pool : no
  • Spas and treatments or balneotherapy : no
  • Parking : yes
  • Bike garage : yes
  • Restaurant on the premises : yes
  • Air conditioning : no
  • Free Wifi : yes
  • Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
  • Distance to the nearest station (km) : 1,6km
  • Location : At the edge of the forest
  • Prices :
    • Min. double room : 85€
  • Payment method : Credit card, Holiday vouchers, Cash
  • Chains or labels : Ibis
  • Internet connection : Network connection, Free wi-fi
  • Languages spoken : French, German, English
  • Convenient service : Group reception, Sheets included in the rental price, Borne de recharge pour voitures électriques
  • Interior equipment of the accommodation : Bar, Seminar/meeting room
  • Equipment of meeting rooms : Screen
  • Equip./services for kids : Highchair, Colouring books and littlel games, Cot, Child's bed, Baby changing table/mat
  • Outdoor accommodation facilities : Shared garden furniture, Shared patio
  • Equipement et services vélos : Closed bicycle garage, Bicycle parking or racks, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches), Drying facilities for clothing and equipment, Washing facilities for clothing and equipment
  • Capacity :
    • number of people : 135
    • Number of rooms : 61
    • Number of rooms with shower or bath and toilet : 61
    • en nombre de chambres singles : 61
    • en nombre de chambres doubles : 61
    • en nombre de chambres familiales-communicantes : 1
  • Equipements/services vélos : Closed bicycle garage, Bicycle parking or racks, Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches), Drying facilities for clothing and equipment, Washing facilities for clothing and equipment
Label logo-accueil-velo
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