Conference: Castles and legends in Alsace

" Alsace is rich in fortified castles. Those that remain are part of the region's historical and cultural heritage, and are closely associated with legendary tales. Duration: 1h30 Free admission "

Castles and legends in Alsace
Alsace is rich in castles. Those that remain are part of the region's historical and cultural heritage, and are closely associated with legendary tales. The devil and his treasures, the white ladies, ghosts and revenants, fairies and giants, haunt these tales conveyed by oral tradition. An imaginary world to discover.
By Gérard Leser, folk historian
Adults / 1h30
Free admission

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 1h30 min
  • Prices : Gratuit
  • Type of event, exhibition : Conference
  • Place/Departure of the event : Médiathèque de la Vallée de Munster
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

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