Sound walk to the Lake Altenweiher

" An astonishing and gentle stroll, carried by the graceful musical creations of Jim Petit, inspired by the sounds of the Altenweiher lake... Dive in! "

Set off on an original discovery of Lake Altenweiher in the company of composer Jim Petit. After a hike from Mittlach to the lake, you'll listen through headphones to the musical piece created by Jim using soundscapes and dowser pendulum analysis of the lake's waters to program his synthesizers and learn about the musical notes of the Altenweiher over the seasons. The sound experience blends with the view of the lake and the sound of day.


As a complement to the sonic encounter with this lake, Jim suggests that as you hike, you discover the sonic vibration of the Kolben bridge in times of flood and the tumult of the lake's spillway stream in times of snowmelt.

Starting point: Val Neige restaurant parking lot in Mittlach
Schedule: 9:30am-12pm
Duration: 3 h 30 (walking and listening included)
Total duration of sound pieces: 20 minutes
Distance: 9 km
Height difference: 330 m
Minimum age: 6 years
Fee: €15

Some advice: Bring hiking boots and water.
Travel to the starting point with your own vehicle.

Dogs on a leash: Not accepted.
Baby carrier: Not accepted.

This outing is effective from 2 participants. If this number is not reached we will notify you before the outing and refund all monies paid.

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 2h30 min
  • Matériel nécessaire : Walking shoes
  • Prices : 15€/ person includes accompaniment by composer/musician Jim Petit and headphones.
  • Place/Departure of the event : Departure at the parking in front of the l'hôtel restaurant du Valneige à Mittlach
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park
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