City guided tour : unusual Sélestat

" History fan? Interested in unusual details? This visit is made for you, assuming you understand french. "

As you explore Sélestat, linger over some unusual details and surprising anecdotes linked to the town's long and short history. Why are cannonballs stuck into certain facades in the historic centre? What is the sculpted face of Kaiser Wilhelm II doing on the church of Sainte-Foy? You'll find the answers to these intriguing questions during your visit. 

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 1h30 min
  • Languages spoken : French
  • Prices : 3,5 € / Reduced rate: 2.5 € / Free for children under 7
  • Place/Departure of the event : Bibliothèque Humaniste
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a paying public car park
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