Sylvotherapy: forest and musical meditation

" Sylvotherapy tools to immerse yourself in Nature, poetry and sharing! A stopover in the beauty of words about Nature and the forest. At the end of the session, discovery of the sylvatic tea. En fin de séance, nous partagerons un thé sylvatique. "

Sylvotherapy tools to immerse yourself in Nature, poetry and sharing! Take a break in the beauty of words about Nature and the forest. Everyone will be able to bring and share a poem about Nature that they like. At the end of the session, discovery of the sylvatic tea.

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 1h30 min
  • Matériel nécessaire : Walking shoes
  • Group headcount :
    • Mini : 5
    • Maxi : 8
  • Prices : 25€ above 16 y.o / 10€ between 12 and 16 y.o
  • Place/Departure of the event : Schweighouse-Thann Festival Hall
  • Car parking : Free parking for cars
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