Discovering forest therapy and its benefits

" Much more than just a walk in the forest, this is about immersing yourself in nature, while paying attention to your senses and the present moment. During this outing, we invite you to enjoy the benefits of the trees and to experiment with tools for well-being. A moment of relaxation guaranteed! "

Much more than just a walk in the forest, this is about immersing yourself in nature, while paying attention to your senses and the present moment. During this outing, we invite you to enjoy the benefits of the trees and to experiment with tools for well-being. A moment of relaxation guaranteed!

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 2h
  • Group headcount :
    • Mini : 5
    • Maxi : 8
  • Prices : 27.50€ for Adults 10€ from 12 to 16 Years old
  • Place/Departure of the event : Festival hall in Schweighouse-Thann
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park
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